iunie, 2022

A series of 3 public conferences on certain specific topics related to: dedicated graphic for reconstructions of archaeological sites and artefacts; historic reenactment (ancient history); aerial archaeology - identification of
A series of 3 public conferences on certain specific topics related to: dedicated graphic for reconstructions of archaeological sites and artefacts; historic reenactment (ancient history); aerial archaeology – identification of archaeological sites and monuments.
Public lecture Radu OLTEAN – Despre ilustrația arheologică și istorică. De la obiect sau ruină la reconstituire
A public lecture held by a very well-known graphic designer about the historical and archaeological illustration, namely on how he works for making elaborate drawings of sites, monuments and artifacts based on very thorough documentation and a close dialogue with archaeologists.
Acces gratuit
Vineri 17 Iunie de la 14:00 la 15:30
Destinat tuturor categoriilor de public
Public lecture Victor MARIN (Terra Dacica Aeterna) – Popularizarea arheologiei prin reconstituire istorică
A public lecture held by the president of the Bucharest branch of one of the most famous reenactment associations in Romania, who recently presented two very interesting reenactments in the framework of two exhibitions organised by the National History Museum of Romania, namely the permanent exhibition „The cast of Trajan’s Column” at museum’s venue in Bucharest and the temporary exhibition „Archaeological Treasures of Romania. Dacian and Roman Roots” organized at the National Archaeology Museum in Madrid (Spain).
Acces gratuit
Vineri 17 Iunie de la 15:30 la 17:00
Destinat tuturor categoriilor de public
Public lecture Carmen MIU – Despre arheologie altfel. Situri și monumente arheologice văzute din văzduh
A public lecture held by one of the most experienced archaeologists in Romania, specialized in aerial archaeology and aerial photographic interpretation, presenting new results of her landscape archaeology researches in the framework of the Danube’s Archaeological e-Landscapes (DAeL) Project.
Acces gratuit
Sâmbătă 18 Iunie de la 11:00 la 12:30
Destinat tuturor categoriilor de public
Press contact:
Corina Bors
iunie 17 (Vineri) - 18 (Sâmbătă)
Muzeul Național de Istorie a României