iunie, 2021

18jun11:0020:00Online: Descoperind castrul legiunii a XIII-a Gemina de la Apulum / Discovering the Fortress of Legio XIII Gemina from Apulum - Muzeul Național al Unirii Alba Iulia, Romania11:00 - 20:00



O amplă prezentare a castrului legiunii XIII Gemina de la Apulum (Alba Iulia, Romania), a istoricului cercetărilor și a descoperirilor din ultimii ani, cu dr. Radu Ota, arheolog în cadrul Muzeului Național al Unirii din Alba Iulia.

An extensive presentation inside the fortress of the XIII Gemina legion from Apulum (today Alba Iulia, Romania), the research history and the recent discoveries, with Radu Ota Ph.D., archaeologist at the National Museum of Unification from Alba Iulia.

Apulum was the largest conurbation in Roman Dacia and also an important military, cultural and political center. The seat of the XIII Gemina Legion and the province’s governor, Apulum was a flourishing urban center in the II-III. centuries A.D.

Discovery tour

Discovering the Fortress of Legio XIII Gemina from Apulum (Alba Iulia)

O amplă prezentare a castrului legiunii XIII Gemina de la Apulum (Alba Iulia, Romania), a istoricului cercetărilor și a descoperirilor din ultimii ani, cu dr. Radu Ota, arheolog în cadrul Muzeului Național al Unirii din Alba Iulia.

An extensive presentation inside the fortress of the XIII Gemina legion from Apulum (today Alba Iulia, Romania), the research history and the recent discoveries, with Radu Ota Ph.D., archaeologist at the National Museum of Unification from Alba Iulia.
Roman Apulum was a complex conurbation located on the middle Mureş River, which included the fortress of Legion XIII Gemina, its surrounding canabae, part of which gained municipal status in the Severan period as the Municipium Septimium Apulensis, and a prosperous port town that became the Municipium Aurelium Apulensis under Marcus Aurelius and was later promoted as the Colonia Aurelia Apulensis under Commodus. Archaeological and epigraphic evidence underline the significant impact of the military presence on the social and economic development especially in the canabae and the Severan Municipium. Apulum was not only the largest conurbation in Roman Dacia but also an important military, cultural and political center. The seat of the XIII Gemina Legion and the province’s governor, Apulum was a flourishing urban center in the II-III. centuries A.D.


Friday 18 June de 11:00 à 20:00

General p


(Vineri) 11:00 - 20:00


Muzeul Național al Unirii Alba Iulia


Muzeul Național al Unirii Alba Iulia